The women, one from Glasgow and the other from Manchester, had bought the vegetables around Easter weekend when they each made the shocking discovery.
Margaret Lynch, 49, from Glasgow, had been chopping the beans when she found 12 needles or metal spikes seemingly inserted inside the beans, which she speculated could have been done deliberately before arriving at the Glasgow store.
However cancer survivor Sarah Parry, 41, only discovered a sharp metal needle in her meal after it stabbed into her gums while eating.
Now Morrisons claim say it’s recalling the products, have informed the relevant authorities and are investigation the incidents, which took place more than 200 miles apart.
Mother-of-three Sarah, from Manchester, said: “I’ve just got over cancer and a result I lost a lot of my teeth.
“I chew with my front teeth and luckily I didn’t swallow the needle.

“My mouth is very sensitive and I bit into the green bean and it was there in the centre. It stabbed me in the gum.
“I dread to think if it was my four-year-old little girl who had been eating it or another child.
“While I opened the beans, they literally seemed fine from the front but I found the needle right in the centre of the bean.
“It could have gone down my throat and punctured an organ.
“The needle itself was around two and a half inches and a bit thicker than a normal sewing needle.
“Because I threw the others away straight after, i wouldn’t know if there were other but they could have been in the rest of the pack too.
“It got me in the gum and now I’m wondering if I need to get a tetanus jab.
“My immune system is weaker at the moment so I’m scared about infections.”
The other customer, Margaret Lynch, had decided to prepare her dinner on Saturday night before an Easter shift at the hospital where she works, however after cutting the ends off the vegetables, she also discovered 12 needles.
In a complaint to Morrisons, she said she was “totally shocked and disgusted” by what she found in vegetables, which she later returned to her local store.
She said: “I’ve had bugs in salad and that’s more acceptable because it’s natural, but I won’t be buying green beans again.
“I’ll be more careful with buying vegetables in the future. If I hadn’t seen them when I was cutting off the ends, i could have injured my mouth - it’s easily done.”

The Food Standards Agency has issued a product recall warning urging customers with Morrisons Trimmed Beans 170g dated from April 22 to 24 2017 to return them to the store for a full refund.