Facebook could soon be using your Whatsapp data to target ads.
The company, which owns WhatsApp, is currently in talks with European regulators to gain access to user information this summer.
Last year, WhatsApp started 'coordinating' accounts with Facebook by sharing users' mobile phone numbers.
This was met with huge opposition by privacy watchdogs.
At the time, they suggested WhatsApp had not obtained valid consent from its customers.
As a result, Facebook agreed to suspend using data collected from UK WhatsApp users for advertising purposes.
However, this could change by the summer.

Ireland's Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon, the lead EU regulator on privacy issues for Facebook said that the European Union might change its mind.
'I think we are in agreement with the parties - WhatsApp and Facebook - that the quality of the information provided to users could have been clearer, could have been more transparent and could have been expressed in simpler terms,' she told Reuters in an interview.
'We are working towards a solution on that.'
It's not yet clear what information will be shared, but Facebook is likely to use it to help advertisers target the right kinds of people.
Last year, Facebook said the data WhatsApp collects is extremely limited and only a part of what is then shared with Facebook.