Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka influenced her father’s decision to launch military action in Syria, according the President’s son.
Eric Trump said that he was “sure” his sister, who acts in an official capacity as Assistant to the President, played a part in America’s response to last week’s chemical weapons incident that killed 89 people – including women and babies.
Mr Trump told the Telegraph: “Ivanka is a mother of three kids and she has influence.
“I’m sure she said: ‘Listen, this is horrible stuff.’
“My father will act in times like that. And by the way, he was anti doing anything with Syria two years ago.
“Then a leader gasses their own people, women and children. At some point America is the global leader and the world’s superpower has to come forward and act and they did with a lot of support of our allies and I think that’s a great thing.”
President Trump surprised the world when he launched military action against the Bashar Assad regime last week.
He had previously stated he did not want regime change in the war-torn country but the shocking images of dead children “changed his mind”.
Eric Trump said that his father was “deeply affected” by the images from Khan Shaykhun.
He added: “I stay out of politics and I stay out of the administration but you can tell he was deeply affected by those images of the children.
“There isn’t a single decent person in the world who saw those images and saw those kids being sprayed down by hoses to keep their skin from burning, who wasn’t deeply affected by what happened over there.
“It was horrible. These guys are savages and I’m glad he responded the way he responded.”
Ivanka Trump’s husband, Jared Kushner – a special adviser to the President – was also believed to back US air strikes in Syria.