A former police 'poster girl' who appeared on promotional campaigns for her force has quit in a scathing open letter of resignation.
Claiming crippling cuts are making her ill and risking the safety of officers, Laura Beal, a PC in Devon and Cornwall , slammed their 'dangerous and damaging' impact.
The dedicated officer, who worked on the front-line for thirteen years, said she was distraught, but could no longer cope with what the job had become.
She says her patch often had no emergency cover and coppers are left to suffer unsupported.
Laura, 33, of Tiverton, Devon, became a 'poster girl' for the force back in 2010 - featuring in the 'You matter, we care' campaign.

But in a letter addressed to chief constable Shaun Sawyer and posted on Facebook she criticises the force for her role "becoming something I didn't want to be".
She revealed she was forced to cover her Mid Devon patch with just one other response officer and they were always forced to work alone.
They would also often be diverted to emergency incidents in other areas - leaving the patch with no emergency cover at all.
She wrote: "I joined in 2004 having followed in my father's footsteps and was so proud to call myself a Police Officer.
"However, as my career has progressed the total lack of support both governmental and from the Chief Officer Group has made me lose all faith in the job I loved.
"I am expected to go on patrol covering Mid-Devon with one other officer most days and this is meant to be adequate staffing and safe.
"How this can be acceptable is beyond belief. I have always worked to the best of my ability as I had pride in what I did.
"This however is not possible any more."
<>In the letter, which has been shared hundreds of times on social media, Laura said the stress of her job was making her ill.
She added: "I am and was a good Police Officer and you are losing more and more every day.
''Staff are not coping, and are suffering because there is no one looking out for them. Please take it from someone who has been personally affected.
"Front line response is where you need to focus your time and money.
''This is where the buck stops. We are always called upon when things need doing and when things go wrong in every department."
Devon and Cornwall Police released the following statement from Chief Superintendent Jim Colwell in response.
“I am aware of PC Laura Beal’s resignation and am sympathetic to the reasons she gives for leaving the Force. I would like to formally thank PC Beal for her loyal service, hearing of an officer resigning is sad, particularly when this is done so publically.
“We do hear concerns from officers and staff and recognise where they are feeling the strain. We acknowledge that these are issues undoubtedly have an impact on staff wellbeing.

“Staff wellness is a priority for the Force and we have a series of initiatives in place to assist such as a peer support network, a counselling service and we have implemented the Blue Light programme developed by mental health charity Mind, aimed at emergency services staff.
“Last month the Chief Constable announced that, through additional budget provided by the Police and Crime Commissioner, we will be employing nearly 100 additional police officers onto the streets and into local policing, as well as 50 criminal investigators and 30 online record takers.
"The extra 100 police officers will bring the total number back up to 3,000 and should help to relieve the pressure.

“Being a police officer is not easy. It requires skills and personal resilience which are often unique to the role.
"We are a supportive Force and will always assist an officer needing help or guidance.”