Cabin crew have been sharing what they notice about passengers as they board the plane, as it always reveals a lot about how someone will behave on a flight.
On the discussion in the knowledge-sharing forum Quora, two flight attendants say they can often clock what nationality you are and whether you’re likely to heavily indulge in the drinks trolley in a matter of seconds.
So what exactly do you reveal when you board a plane and how? Read on to find out…
What nationality are youSjaak Schulteis, a flight attendant for 30 years as a cabin attendant for Lufthansa said: “We pay attention to their language and check if they hold a magazine or newspaper.
“I know their language I try to welcome the guests and hope I guessed right.”
Are you a dangerSjaak said: “Do I smell something? Alcohol? Drugs (you can smell Marijuana)
“If a guest coming aboard is drunk or intoxicated by any drug, they might not allowed to enter the plane.”
“The first impression is often the right one and we do refuse passengers who might be a danger for the safety of that flight.
“So far I have refused four passengers and was luckily backed up by the purser and captain.”

Janice Bridger, who has worked as a flight attendant at several airlines, said: “I watch for disabilities that may disqualify someone from sitting in the exit row.
“They need to be able to physically lift a heavy hatch (up to 60 lbs) or open a heavy door (several hundred pounds).”
Can you speak EnglishJanice said: “If a person cannot understand English, they cannot understand shouted commands. Nor can they read the instructions on how to open the exits.
“That may disqualify someone from sitting in the exit row.”
Could you provide muscle in a tough situationJanice said: “If I see someone who is muscular, powerful, strong and physically fit, I memorise their face and make a mental note of where they are sitting.
“If a situation looks like it could develop, I’ll privately and discreetly ask one of these people if they would be willing to help us if necessary.
“Help might involve subduing or restraining an unruly passenger. We hope it never happens, but we will prepare just in case it does.”