Councillors in the Scottish islands – just north of Scotland, and with just over 20,000 inhabitants – have forced a motion demanding an investigation into possible self-determination for the islands after Brexit.
The islanders overwhelmingly backed remaining in the UK and the European Union at both referendums in 2014 and 2016.
A motion passed by 13 of Orkney Islands Council’s 21 members has demanded the chief executive compile a report considering ‘whether the people of Orkney could exercise self-determination if faced with further national or international constitutional changes, or indeed to decide if more autonomy might be beneficial for the wellbeing of Orkney.’
Graham Sinclair, an independent councillor who drafted the motion, said: ‘I think the islands are more significantly different – both historically and culturally – from the rest of the country.

‘It is a very preliminary shot. It is to consider whether there is the possibility of constitutional changes.’
Mr Sinclair said that an opinion poll might be carried out to determine how people living on the islands feel about the issue.
He added: ‘I don’t have any preconceptions about where it might lead.
‘My motion was accepted without anyone speaking against it and we are a council of independent councillors.’
Orkney, together with Shetland, were historically ruled by Norway and only came under control of the Kingdom of Scotland in 1468 and 1472 respectively.