The star of Embarrassing Bodies warned the nation’s health service will collapse if drastic changes are not made.
Independent policy group Reform has claimed direct charges for seeing a GP or staying overnight in hospital are vital.
And Doctaly, an Uber-style website, is already offering to fast-track patients to have a same-day appointment with the GP for as much as £69.99.
Christian said: “The NHS does need dramatic change. One thing that really irritates me is the idea it’s this sacred cow that cannot be touched, moved or criticised in any way. I think that is going to be detrimental for it. We need to keep it moving forward. Unless we do that and innovate then we are going to be in trouble. There isn’t a bottomless pit of money. But there is an endless need for it.
“So something has got to give. Somebody has got to be the one to make those changes. But no political party wants to be the one to do it.”
Reports last week said the NHS is facing further cuts of as much as £2billion, which could force hospitals to close.

Christian added: “Patients paying for things may be necessary. We can’t keep funding everybody for everything. It doesn’t take a genius to work that out.
“We are going to have to come up with a compromise. But of course that is never going to be popular.”
The Department of Health’s permanent secretary Chris Wormald has said patients could be asked to present their passport to access treatment.
The move would aim to combat “health tourism”. Christian, who works as a doctor alongside his TV appearances, also slammed the Government for not backing down in the row over pay for junior doctors.
The British Medical Association has held a series of strikes over a proposed new contract.
Christian said: “I know the doctors will keep fighting. In the end the Government will back down because they don’t have a choice.
“It’s not a fight about ego and money, it’s a fight about patient safety. I can’t stress that enough.”