Three thousand officers will be on duty across central London in a bid to crack down on crime as revellers welcome in the New Year.
Roads in the centre of the city will be closed from 2pm on Saturday including Lambeth, Westminster, Waterloo and Blackfriars bridges.
Scotland Yard said their plan is “not the result of any specific intelligence” but the product of several months' work.
But police are also urging people to “do their bit” and be alert to and report anything suspicious.
It comes after security was tightened in the capital following a terror attack in which 12 people were killed at a Christmas market in Berlin last week.
London’s biggest New Year’s Eve event is the ticketed fireworks display on Victoria Embankment.
The Metropolitan Police are urging people without a fireworks ticket to stay away from the central London fireworks areas.
Detective superintendent Phil Langworthy, the Met's spokesperson for New Year’s Eve, said: "It is an exciting time of year and we want all who come to central London to have a good time.
“Officers have been planning for several months for New Year’s Eve, and that plan remains under constant review. This is not as a result of any specific intelligence.
“Officers will be out and about to deter criminals and keep crowds safe but we need you to do your bit to look after yourself and those around you as well.
"If you see anything suspicious or that causes you any concern please tell a police officer or steward. Keep an eye on your belongings and only bring what you need.
“Make sure you agree a meeting location should you become separated from your friends and family.
”I would also urge you to plan your journey. If you have a ticket for the fireworks, arrive in plenty of time as there will be search entries so it will take longer to get into the viewing area.”
The Met said they are working closely with the British Transport Police, Westminster council and event organiser the Mayor’s office to ensure the event runs smoothly.
Last year the Met deployed the same amount of officers, 3,000, and armed police.
Travel across the TfL network in London is free from 11.45pm to 4.30am on New Year's Eve.