Game of Thrones is the most illegally downloaded show of 2016.
For the last five years the fantasy drama series has topped the most-pirated list coming from the popular torrent client BitTorrent.
Following the broadcast of the season 6 finale, a whopping 350,000 Game of Thrones torrents were being shared online. The zombie show Walking Dead came in second in terms of most pirated shows and sci-fi show Westworld took third place.
However, according to Torrentfreak, the number of illegal downloads didn't break any new records in 2016 because of the rise of streaming services like Netflix.

But that doesn't mean that piracy is dead. Some applications, like Kodi, allow users to pick up and stream shows illegally without having to download them.
TorrentFreak notes that the quality of downloads is increasing, as high definition screens on phones and TV sets has become more common.
"In recent years, many pirates have moved from 480p copies to 720p and 1080p videos, in part thanks to better broadband availability," wrote TorrentFreak .
Here's the full list:
- Game of Thrones
- The Walking Dead
- Westworld
- The Flash
- Arrow
- The Big Bang Theory
- Vikings
- Lucifer
- Suits
- The Grand Tour