Most women who cheat do it because their partners do not do enough housework, according to a latest survey in France.
A poll of 10,000 women revealed 73 per cent who were driven to be unfaithful did so because their other half did too few chores.
The survey was conducted by Gleedon – a dating website for people already in relationships – and answered by female subscribers, reports LeBonBon.
The poll was launched in an attempt to identify the main reason women on the website were tempted to cheat.
Almost nine in 10 respondents said they were annoyed by the lack of help doing housework, while 84 per cent revealed it had led to arguments.
The results may be of particular concern to white men, who were found to be the worst in Britain at pulling their weight around the house. Black Caribbean men were most likely to do their fair share.
The news comes after researchers at the University of Michigan found husbands create an extra seven hours of housework a week, and it is the wives that do it.
Another study found couples who share household chores evenly have more sex than those who stick to old sexist stereotypes.