Health chiefs have told Jeremy Hunt they need billions of pounds more in funding to avoid a crisis in the NHS and social care.
The dire warning comes as three health areas revealed they face a combined shortfall of more than £2.4billion by the end of the decade.
They say that without extra money they will struggle to meeting waiting times, provide enough hospital beds and even basic levels of social care.
The verdict is contained in the newly published Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) for Birmingham and Solihull, North Centra London and South West London.
Sustainability and Transformation Plans were ordered by NHS England boss Simon Stephens in December 2015 and charged 44 regions in England to come up with a five-year programme for providing health and social care in their areas.
Of the four reports published so far Birmingham and Solihull warns it faces a £712million shortfall by 2020, South West London £828million and North Central London £876million.