The NHS is still under-consideration to ban selling of all sugary drinks – including lattes, smoothies and fruit juices – as part of efforts to combat obesity and make healthcare workers “practice what they preach”.
Simon Stevens, the head of the health service, said he was “calling time on hospitals as marketing outlets for junk food and fizzy drinks” as he unveiled plans which will come into force next year.
Mr Stevens said the health service should put itself at the “leading edge” of efforts to tackle obesity, in order to reach 1 million patients a day, and set an example to society.
Health officials will today launch a consultation on proposals which will either see all drinks containing sugar banned from sales in hospitals, or subject to heavy taxes.
The plans go much further than a tax on sugary drinks planned by Government, which is due to be introduced in 2018.
While fruit juice and dairy based drinks are exempt from the Government plans, the NHS scheme will see all drinks which contain any added sugar – including sweetened milk - either banned or subject to taxes, depending which is chosen.