We all love to drink coffee on everyday. However drinking coffee at a limited level is good for your health.
Last year former pharmacist Niraj Naik shocked the world by revealing what Coca-Cola does to your body.
After a flurry of questions, he also published shocking details about the affects of Diet Coke and Red Bull.
But what about coffee? Brits love waking up to a morning cuppa and many continue with regular caffeine hits throughout the day.
So what happens to the brain after drinking a cup of the popular hot drink?
The Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee (ISIC) has launched a simple animated video to explain just that.
It explores the role caffeine can play in alertness and performance, as well as reviewing individual sensitivity and recommended intake levels.
Caffeine is considered to be the main component in coffee that impacts brain function.
And extensive research has shown beneficial effects of caffeine in the diet, such as improved attention, alertness and physical performance.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) concludes that a 75mg serving of caffeine helps to increase attention and alertness.
Although caffeine content will vary according to processing and preparation, a typical cup of coffee provides 75-100mg.
The clip reveals after drinking a cup of coffee, caffeine is absorbed into the blood stream and transported around the body to the brain.
In the brain adenosine acts as a central nervous system depressant and promotes feelings of tiredness.
Due to its similar structure, caffeine may bind to the adenosine receptors, acting as an imposter and blocking the actions of adenosine, leading to feelings of alertness.
Research suggests that coffee and caffeine may improve alertness in situations which require sustained concentration, such as long distance driving.
It is also improves performance in people who work shifts or are suffering from jet lag.
However if someone drinks too much coffee it may negatively effect sleep patterns or lead to hyperactivity.
You also shouldn't drink coffee on an empty stomach as it stimulates hydrochloric acid production. This can be a problem because HCl should only be produced to digest meals.
If your body has to make HCl more often in response to regular cups of coffee, it may have difficulty producing enough to deal with a large meal – which can lead to weight gain.
Many of the compounds in coffee like caffeine and the various acids found in coffee beans can also irritate your stomach and the lining of your small intestine.
It’s known to be a problem for those suffering from ulcers, gastritis, IBS and Crohn’s disease and doctors generally advise patients with these conditions to avoid coffee completely.
However, if you are healthy, drinking coffee in moderation can definitely be a good thing.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) advises that caffeine intakes from all sources up to 400 mg per day (the equivalent of up to five cups of coffee) and single doses of 200mg do not raise safety concerns for adults in the general population.
Pregnant and breastfeeding women are advised to consume no more than 200mg of caffeine per day from all sources (two-three cups of coffee).