Thursday 10 November 2016

How To Make Money From The Newly Elected US President?

Donald Trump

Almost every index plunged with the UK's FTSE dropping by 2 per cent or 144 points at the open, wiping about £37 billion off the value of the 100 biggest UK companies before going back to yesterday's levels.

A similar situation occurred in Europe while Asian markets were also hit by massive sells last night.

US markets are yet to open however it is believed that Mr Trump's thoughtful speech went a long way to calm investor's nerves.

Now it seems a flight to safe haven assets including gold and precious-metals stocks are preventing a meltdown as the banking sector took a hit.

Gold has biggest upward movement since Brexit, rising from to $1,269/oz to $1,332 in early trading - a rise of 4.7 per cent.

Mining companies like Randgold Resources (RRS) rose 6.4% to 7210p, Antofagasta (ANTO) was also up 5% to 618.5p while Polymetal International the Russia-based miner gained 5.8% to 960p, in light of Donald Trump’s promises to boost those industries in the hard-hit rust belt on America.

Shares in pharmaceutical businesses are also seeing gains after Trump took a hard line on the controversial Obamacare health programme introduced by the current president.

AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline have also rallied, while Shire, a drugs specialist with huge exposure to the US, was up more than 8 per cent.

While US pollsters were prepping for a Hillary Clinton win and declaring "Trumpageddon" in the event of a Donald victory, the reality is markets have not plunged as they were being tipped to.

Uncertainty is allegedly going to plague the markets ahead of Mr Trump taking office in January 2017 but that doesn't mean investors can't make money.



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