Wednesday 9 November 2016

GCHQ To Investigate Tesco's Recent Banking Crisis


GCHQ to investigate Tesco's recent cyber theft.

Tesco has enlisted the help of spy agency GCHQ to assist its investigation of what is the most serious cyber attack ever launched against a British bank.

The supermarket giant contacted the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a new part of GCHQ that tackles crime online and opened last month, after it learned of the theft at Tesco Bank at the weekend.

The NCSC reports into GCHQ, the UK’s digital espionage agency, and has been providing “on-site assistance” to Tesco. It is working alongside the National Crime Agency to investigate the attack.

Tesco Bank initially said on Monday that it had detected “online criminal activity” in 40,000 current accounts and that money was taken from half of them. Late on Tuesday, it clarified that 9,000 accounts had hit by "fraudulent transactions" and that it had reimbursed an estimated £2.5m to affected customers as a result.

The lender had been forced to suspend online transactions as it investigated the attack, which involved sums running into thousands of pounds being stolen from customers, but said last night that that normal service had now been resumed.



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