HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) is running a 'formal enquiry' on more than 2,000 “high net-worth individuals" – each earning £20m or more.
The super-rich have tax agents for their "complex affairs", the National Audit Office says, and 15% are thought to have used tax avoidance schemes.
Yet just one has been prosecuted for criminal tax evasion in the last five years.
The report says the government is losing a possible £1.9bn - but it's through "legal interpretation of complex tax issues, rather than tax evasion."
The figure includes £1.1billion linked to tax avoidance schemes, which are being targeted by a special tpeam of tax collectors.
The HMRC inspectors recovered £4.3billion tax from Britain's 6,500 super rich last year, an increase of £416million.