Three hospitals are the most expensive for car parking among the top ten most expensive trusts in the UK.
Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead, Whittington Hospital in Highgate after 5pm and St Thomas’ Hospital in Lambeth charge patients and visitors £3 an hour to park their car.
Data from NHS trusts shows that a third of hospitals in England have increased their car parking charges in the last year, with some charging as much as £4 for a one-hour stay.
Some trusts permit patients and visitors to park for free for 30 minutes before charges kick in but others have scrapped a one or two-hour charge, meaning people have to pay a flat fee for three hours even if they stay for 45 minutes.
The data suggests a 15 per cent average rise in parking charges across trusts in England between 2014/15 and 2015/16.
The Royal Free Hospital charges a flat rate of £3 per hour per hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Of the over 200 hospitals that reported figures to NHS Digital for both 2014/15 and 2015/16, a third showed an increase in their average hourly charge when calculated across three hours. Some 60 per cent showed no change over the year, while 7 per cent showed a decrease.
Almost four out of ten NHS trusts said they also charged for disabled parking.
The most expensive hospital in the country for one-hour parking fees is the Royal Surrey County Hospital in Guilford, where patients have to pay £4 to park their car for any stay up to two hours, though it does have a few spots where drivers can park for 20 minutes before being charged.
England is the only part of the UK where hospitals charge patients and visitors to park their vehicles.
Laura Keely, campaigns manager at Macmillan Cancer Support, said: "Cancer patients often need to make frequent trips to hospital. They should not be left out of pocket in order to receive life-saving treatment.
"Public transport is not always an option as cancer patients can have an increased risk of infection because treatment has compromised their immune system.
"Treatments can also leave patients feeling tired, sick and weak, so they have little choice but to travel by car.
"Car parking is free at most hospitals in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales but not across all hospitals in England.
"Those in charge of hospital car parking have a responsibility to ensure that their schemes work for vulnerable people, such as those living with cancer."
Some hospitals in England maintain free parking. Trafford General Hospital in Greater Manchester for example offers free parking for up to three hours. Some trusts offer concessions to visitors whose loved ones are terminally ill as well as discounts on weekly fares for those undertaking longer treatment.
Of more than 90 trusts that responded to the Freedom of Information request, half are making at least £1 million a year from parking fees.