Tuesday 18 October 2016

Record numbers of children did receive counselling after viewing porn


In Birmingham record numbers of children did received counselling because of watching online porn.

The NSPCC's round-the-clock helpline provided 133 counselling sessions on this issue last year, up from 66 sessions in 2014/15.

For the second year running around half (49 per cent) of contacts at the base in Hagley Road, Edgbaston were from children aged 12 to 15 years old, but worryingly they included 16 children aged 11 and under (12 per cent of that total).

The figures are revealed as the NSPCC publishes a new report What Should I Do?, in partnership with O2, about adults and children contacting the charity's helplines about online issues.

Many of the children who contacted ChildLine said they felt ‘ashamed', ‘guilty' and ‘addicted' after viewing porn online.

Across all the ChildLine bases in the UK, there was a 60 per cent rise in counselling sessions with children about this issue, from 529 sessions in 2014/15 to 844 in 2015/16.

One child said: "After I stopped watching it I kept thinking about it and so started watching it again.

"It makes me feel ashamed, I know I shouldn't be watching it, but every time I stop watching I start thinking about it and want to watch it again."

Another, aged 13, said: "It seems like everyone at school was talking about watching porn, so I looked it up online and found loads of videos. It felt good to know what everyone was talking about, but then I started to feel bad."

They added: " I don't want to get in trouble over this, I just want to stop thinking about it all the time."

Another child said: "I was chatting online and this person sent me a link to a porn website.

"I watched some videos on the site and have searched for other stuff online since. I think about it a lot, I am worried that I might be addicted and won't be able to stop watching it.

"I keep getting emails through with links to other porn sites and I want to make them stop.

"I feel really guilty now that I have been watching this stuff that I know I shouldn't be watching. I would hate it if my Mum found out, as I'm not sure how she'd react."

A 16-year-old boy said: "I was at my mates' house and I saw some naked pictures on his laptop.

"He doesn't know I saw them and I am not sure what to do now and whether I should try and talk to him about them. I don't want to get him in trouble, but I think I should tell someone about it." .

Recent research by the NSPCC found that young people are as likely to see online porn accidentally as search for it, and that repeated viewing can lead them to see porn as realistic.

The NSPCC believes that current proposals for all commercial porn websites to require age verification, currently being debated in the Digital Economy Bill, do not go far enough and the charity is concerned that penalties will be shrugged off by companies who breach the legislation.

NSPCC chief executive Peter Wanless said: "A generation of young people are being exposed to extreme or violent sexual acts online.

"This is robbing children of their innocence and is not the right way for them to learn about sex or relationships.

"Worryingly, some children think that porn is realistic and want to act out what they've seen online.

"Children should be protected from adult-only material online just as they are in the off-line world.

"The Digital Economy Bill is a chance to get this right and Government must not let this opportunity slip through their fingers. It is crucial that porn websites that fail to comply with age verification checks can be blocked, so they cannot be accessed by children in the UK."

In the past six months web traffic to the NSPCC's parent advice on protecting young people from the impact of porn has increased by 58 per cent.

Parents can get online safety advice from the NSPCC's website or call 0808 800 5002.

Children and young people can contact ChildLine anytime on 0800 1111 or access help online at www.childline.org.uk

*** Birmingham Mail



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