Wednesday 5 October 2016

Europeans searching on Google:'Why Brits are so stupid?'

Google Europe

Eurpeans searches negative things about the British People.

Although you might not want to go there. Because it's not always that flattering.

Search Laboratory have released data from Google searches over the last year, which reveals – whether we like or not – the most common questions Europeans have about Brits.

'The biggest search story of the year in the UK has undoubtedly been Brexit,' Search Lab preface their report. 'Users from all over the continent have been searching queries in the hundreds of thousands every month since February, regarding Britain's now impending exit from the European Union.'

Google Europe

Germans, for example, want to know: 'Why are the British so stupid?', while the Dutch are more concerned with our looks, asking 'What are the British so ugly?'

Meanwhile, Italians are asking why we're so dirty and the Portuguese want to know why we're such cry babies (something to do with the football, by any chance?)

The Spanish don't even bother asking a question – they're just telling Google: 'The English are strange'.

Google Europe

Things are a little more random in the rest of Europe, where the Polish are worried about British flour and the Austrians don't know if England is a country or city.

And bless the Danes, who are just interested in why our judges wear wigs.

Separately, last week, Citybase put together a map of Europe, based on search predictions made by Google's 'autocomplete' tool.

Google Europe

These search predictions are taken from the terms you're typing, what other people are searching for, including trending searches, and relevant searches you've done in the past.

It's also pretty random.

What Google autocorrect thinks about each country:
  1. England is…'confusing'

  2. Wales is…'better than England'

  3. Scotland is…'not a real country'

  4. Ireland is…'not North Korea'

  5. And, just for the record, Iceland is 'awesome'



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