Thursday 27 October 2016

Does SmartWatches exist anymore?


Is the popular trend for smartwatches is about to die?

In fact, the new breed of gadgets led by the likes of the Apple Watch and Pebble Smartwatch aren't as popular as you might think.

Market intelligence firm IDC reported that, year-on-year, smartwatch shipments are down by a massive 51.6% for the last quarter of 2016.

In the research, Apple saw shipments of its Watch drop 71.6% during the period.

Of course, that's partly to do with the fact it revealed the Apple Watch Series 2 in September, which will have taken over from the original Apple Watch.

Apple hasn't publicly revealed the number of Series 2 watches it has sold, but IDC reckons it's about 1.1 million, making the iPhone-maker the market leader when it comes to smartwatches.

Most of the big tech companies produce smartwatches. This year has seen new models from Samsung, LG and Sony, as well as the likes of Apple, Pebble and even Tag Heuer.

Interestingly, the company that is doing the best when it comes to smartwatch sales is Garmin. Its sales have increased 324%.

That's because, as Gizmodo points out, it focuses on health and fitness - which seems to be the only reason people will buy a smartwatch.

Meanwhile, UK Government ministers have been BANNED from wearing Apple Watches at high-level meetings in case the Russians are listening in.

The reported ruling comes amid growing concern that smart gadgets like the £230 watches can used as listening devices to broadcast overheard conversations.

The move follows a similar block on bringing mobiles to Cabinet meetings.

A source told the Daily Telegraph : "The Russians are trying to hack everything."

Even so, and despite the apparent drop in sales figures, tech companies aren't throwing in the towel with wearable technology.

At last month's IFA trade show in Berlin, there were plenty of shiny new smartwatches in the perspex booths.



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