As we all know that clock is changing on tomorrow(Sunday). But will it have negative impact on your physical health?
One doctor says unfortunately, yes.
Dr. Catherine Loveday, a cognitive neuroscientist, said: "The answer is that yes, the changing clocks do have a physical effect - but it is fairly marginal for most people.
"The body will have to make slight adjustments because a lot of our hormones and behaviour - sleep, hunger, energy levels, even immune responses - are driven by our natural circadian rhythms, which in turn are influenced by the day/night cycle.
"When the day/night cycle shifts, our bodily rhythms have to adjust.
The feeling may be similar to jet lag, as Dr. Loveday explained: "This is obviously much more obvious when people move to a vastly different time zone.
"The general rule of thumb, I believe, is a day of bodily adjustment per hour of time zone moved.
"Also, all of those chemicals - vitamin D, melatonin, cortisol - all have direct effects on our body; metabolism, energy levels, hunger etc."
So thankfully, if you do find yourself physically affected, it should only take a day or two to start to feel back to normal.
Even if the clocks going back haven't caused physical affects, it may be bringing down your mood - although this can be managed with diet.
But this can be combated by one simple trick - listening to certain music.
Using the example of the catchy Pharell Williams track 'Happy', Dr. Loveday said: "When people listen to music they enjoy, it can boost levels of feel-good brain chemicals including dopamine, endorphins and oxytocin.
"With a song like 'Happy', science tells us there are a set of harmonic changes and melodic sequences that are particularly likely to provoke emotion.
"Although the track is not set in a traditionally positive major key, crucially the chorus features a falling progression of harmonies that resolve onto a very bright chord, almost like a cheerful sigh of relief.
Dr. Loveday continued: "There are elements of 'Happy' that will connect with very primal parts of our emotional brain.
"The tempo is quite fast, a comfortable jogging pace, which makes us want to move but not so speedy that it makes us feel agitated.
"Certain notes are emphasised in the rhythm, which gives an excited and bouncy feel to it, and our bodies have a natural tendency to mimic the beats we hear."
Heart surveyed 2000 people to found the top ten tracks they use to boost their mood.
The songs chosen were:
1. Pharrell Williams – Happy
2. Mark Ronson – Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars
3. Whitney Houston – I Wanna Dance with Somebody
4. Black Eyed Peas – I Gotta Feeling
5. Michael Jackson – Beat It
6. Maroon 5 – Moves Like Jagger
7. Taylor Swift – Shake It Off
8. Justin Timberlake – CAN''T STOP THE FEELING!
9. Take That – Shine
10. Daft Punk – Get Lucky