When you are boarding on plane you might be noticed that you skin becomes dry, oily and dull. This tips will will provide you information on how to get rid of it.
There are four main reasons skin problems pop up mid flight: altitude, stress, water retention, and low humidity.
Melissa Kanchanapoomi Levin told Allure that skin is comfortable when the humidity is between 40% and 70%. On most planes, the humidity is around 20%. Not good.
This causes dryness and flaking, which can cause your skin to start producing excessive oil to compensate. Cue that strange feeling of skin that’s both tight and oily.
When it comes to dullness, it’s the altitude that’s to blame. Being higher up means there’s less blood flow to the skin, ridding it of a glow.
Finally, water retention causes puffiness, and the added stress of travelling can exacerbate any other skin problems, causing redness and blemishes.
Which all combines into the perfect storm of not-so-great skin.
Not really what you’re after when you’re on your way to your holiday and want to look great, or when you’re returning post-holiday and are already in a bad mood.
Once you get on the plane, cleanse your face of makeup and pop on a hydrating mask (sheetmasks reduce the risk of mess) while you snooze or watch a film. Remove when you’re ready, then apply intensive moisturiser. By the time you depart, you’ll feel super relaxed and your skin will be smooth and fully hydrated.