Tuesday 20 September 2016

Tooth fillings that could last for lifetime

tooth fillings

A tooth feeling which repairs dental decay caused by bacteria that would last lifetime, has been hailed as a new revolution in dental treatment.

The new compound, developed by scientists at Queen Mary University of London, not only blocks cavities but repairs bacterial damage.

It releases minerals such as calcium and phosphate, which the tooth uses to form new minerals and repair itself.

It does away with the need for mercury fillings, banned in some countries because of toxicity.

Unlike existing fillings, the new compound has almost no risk of falling out.

Professor Robert Hill, chair of Physical Sciences at the Institute of Dentistry at the university, who helped developed the technology said: "This will change dental practice, reducing the size of cavities, repairing decay and reducing the number of secondary cavities.

"These fillings should last a lifetime."

The filling is made from bioactive glass composites which release fluoride as well calcium and phosphate needed to form tooth mineral.

It fills the gaps with minerals, preventing bacteria from entering tiny gaps between the filling and the tooth which can lead to secondary cavities.

In laboratory tests teeth have been shown to self-repair.

The procedure is expected to be available to the public within three years.



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