Here are the six foods you will need to avoid if you are a migraine sufferer.
1. Coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks – these all contain high levels if caffeine that can trigger migraines in some people.
2. Chocolate and red wine – these are rich in the amino acid, tyramine and are the most common food triggers.
3. Take-away food – these foods are often high in the flavour enhancer, MSG, which has been shown to trigger migraines in people.
4. Low calorie food and drinks – these are often sweetened with aspartame, which can trigger migraines.
5. Some people with migraines have experienced sensitivity to citric acid, found in some fruits and also used as a natural preservative.
6. Bacon – this and other processed meats are rich in nitrates, which have been shown to be increase the intensity of headaches for migraine sufferers.