Summer has gone. It now Autumn a month we will see spiders are occupying our houses and almost all of us scared of spider. Here are some tricks which will help you to get rid of spider.
Pull the plug on your outside lightIt’s a myth that spiders are attracted to light, but the insects they feed on often are. So if you switch off your light you’re less likely to play host to a feeding ground in your front room.
Seal up your homeLogically, spiders are getting into your house through any small gaps you may have, so it makes sense to fill cracks and holes leading from the outside in. Use a sealant like caulk to fill in large gaps of space in closed doors and windows. It’s also handy to apply caulk around wires, cables, faucets, and electrical components, since all of these run to the outside.
Move plants away from your houseGreen thumbs will know that spiders like plants because they provide great hiding spots. When spiders need to seek out warmth or new food sources, they crawl from the vegetation toward your home, getting in through cracks. With this in mind, you might want to move plants and vegetation away from the exterior of your house. You should also aim to move mulch, stones, leaves, or other debris that could provide a neglected hiding spot.
Peppermint oil and vinegarHere’s a cheap and easy method to keep the spiders at bay: keep a spray bottle handy filled with vinegar or peppermint oil - spiders dislike the smell of both. Give windows and doors a light spritz to act as a natural deterrent to creepy crawlies.
Get a catThis is an extreme measure, but even the most docile house cats are natural hunters. While they aren’t going to eliminate the entire spider problem, they’ll catch anything they see running through your house. This is not advisable if there are poisonous spiders in the house like the False Widow, as they can be dangerous to animals too.
Deter spiders with horse chestnutsA popular old wives tale says that chestnuts can be placed around the home to deter spiders - many claim they hate the smell. Walnuts and the fruit of the Osage orange tree are thought to have the same effect.
Lastly, keep your house clean and tidyProbably not as fun as getting a new cat or picking conkers, but it works. Spiders love to hide in dark places, and any leftover food will attract small insects that they can feast on. Giving your house a thorough vac on a regular basis will also effectively rid of egg sacs and webs that have already formed in your house.