Tuesday 13 September 2016

Google Chrome will warn you when you're at risk of being HACKED

Google Chrome

Google has been set out a new plan for a cyber safety. They are adding a new feature in its Chrome Browser which will warn you beforehand of being hacked.

The search giant has said that the forthcoming release of Chrome 56, set for release in January 2017, will warn users when they visit websites that don’t secure card details safely.

Users attempting to access a website that Chrome detects as being unsafe will now see a "not secure" alert on websites that handle passwords and credit card numbers insecurely.

Emily Schechter from the Chrome security team, wrote in a blog announcing the news, “Chrome currently indicates HTTP connections with a neutral indicator. This doesn't reflect the true lack of security for HTTP connections.”

"When you load a website over HTTP, someone else on the network can look at or modify the site before it gets to you."

Google hopes that its move will encourage more websites to migrate from HTTP domains to the more secure HTTPS.

The company's next step will look to gradually roll out the Chrome "not secure" warning to any website delivered over HTTP, not just those with passwords and credit card numbers.

The news comes as Google introduces more and more updates for Chrome as it looks to leave its browser rivals in the dust.

Chrome 53, released last week, offers more battery efficiency and power than any other prior release, offering 10 hours and 39 minutes of runtime.

Google also announced last month that the browser would be killing off the much-maligned Flash software in favour of HTML5.

Google says that much of the Flash content on the web today loads behind the scenes to support features like page analytics, which often causes your computer to slow down, and that HTML5 offers more security, stability and power.

The mobile version of Chrome also received a major update recently, promising fasting loading times and the ability to consume less battery life than previous versions.

Chrome for Android now offers speedier video playback on your smartphone, with Google saying you'll now see videos appear sooner, and will no longer pause briefly before loading.

This had caused battery loss issues in the past, as Android devices use up more power preparing to launch videos.

Chrome now also includes a new Data Saver Mode, which reduces the amount of data your phone uses by up to 50 per cent when watching a video by instead showing a stripped-down version which does away with background clutter.



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