Brits are providing plenty of information since they they chosen to use the social media.
British adults now spend almost half their waking hours consuming social media including online content with an "almost machine-like" ability to absorb information, according to a report.
That amounts to spend 7.37 hours a day - up 2% on last year and 9% on 2005 - according to the latest IPA (Institute of Practitioners in Advertising) TouchPoints survey.
Appetite for online content of all kinds increased by 7% over the last twelve months, with adults now spending four hours and 16 minutes a day on it for work, browsing, shopping, banking or emailing.
PA said the report revealed "the startling amount of information and entertainment British consumers are now capable of absorbing and their almost machine-like media abilities".
The report suggest that this year has seen a "profound shift" to online media consumption lead by the millennial age group.
The findings revealed a growing difference between millennials preference for online media consumption and that of the broader adult population across all the major categories including video and live TV and audio.
IPA director general Paul Bainsfair said: "TouchPoints 2016 reveals a clear break with the past, with millennials defining new patterns of media consumption that will shape the media, marketing and technology industries in the decades to come.
"While the consumption of live media through off-line channels remains consistently strong across all adults, including millennials, it is clear we have reached a tipping point in that online media consumption is fast becoming dominant.
"Audiences are taking in a far greater quantity of content than ever before, especially across new media. Businesses must recognise this shift in order to address the technological and behavioural changes that it signifies. If not, they risk being drowned by the sheer volume of information at their audiences' fingertips."
The survey also found the fastest growth sites for all adults were WhatsApp (up 22%), Snapchat (up 16%) and Instagram, up 31%.
Adults overall read printed papers for 54% of the time they spend consuming news, but that figure drops to 17% among millennials.