Here are some of the apps which is ideal for any university students.
This application is ideal for students that need to create a to-do list. It also synchronizes all tasks with other devices so that the list can be accessed from anywhere. You can add new entries to the list, or even use your voice to create tasks. You can change the priority of your entry, mark a task as completed, or you can even shake your device to remove all completed tasks from it. The Any.Do widget can be added to your home screen for quick and easy access to the app and it’s features also.
Feed.ly is a big collection or bulletin board that you can customize to the news and ‘feed’ that you want to receive straight to your phone. It helps anyone with a busy lifestyle keep themselves up to date with current affairs any anything else that might interest them all in one place.
College students often have problems with money, whether saving or budgeting, even if you have enough savings, they always tend to disappear. Do not let this happen! Why not download the Mint app to control your budget and to see what your money is usually spent on. Perhaps you will become more responsible. You can categorize your spending with each transaction to give you a better understanding of the averages and where your money tends to go.
My Study Life
The free My Study Life app replaces any paper planner by keeping track of your workload across multiple platforms and devices. Manage your classes with week and day timetables, keep track of tasks and exams in the cloud and receive notifications to keep you up to date with exam schedules and classes. A clean interface and the ability to colour code your classes make the calendar easy to read.
Indeed Job Search
What's the point of all that studying if you can't pay back your student loans? With the free Indeed Job Search app, you can browse listings, create a resume and apply for full-time, part-time and freelance jobs on the go. Finding a gig is as easy as typing in what kind of job you want and where you want it through Indeed's clean user interface. You can also save and email your favourite job postings, follow companies to get the latest updates and have new job postings delivered to your inbox. Indeed, has a database of more than 15 million jobs, so there are plenty of opportunities for students and recent graduates.