Monday 22 August 2016

Shocking truth of the BRITISH ASYLUM SYSTEM


Britains's Asylum System is facing an uncertain and appalling future for ASYLUM SEEKERS.

An Asylum judge who has spent years buried under false claims has spoken out to warn Britain the asylum system is BROKEN - and heading towards disaster.

Speaking anonymously, he has spent more than 20 years deciding whether or not applicants may stay in Britain, but has now warned politicians do not take the problem seriously, and the country is facing disastrous consequences.

And some of the cases the judge and his colleague have seen "beggar belief".

The judge gives examples including a Muslim man who lived in Britain with his wife and children, before going back to his homeland to marry three more women and father more children.

Writing for the Mail on Sunday he said: "Those later children then claimed British nationality, even though we don’t recognise polygamy in our marriage laws, and the mothers also claimed the right to come over here with the children on the basis of a right to family life.”

He said the obligation was imposed on the UK Government by Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The judge added: ”Astounding as it might seem to you or to me, they were successful on appeal."

He works in a major British population centre said he was once proud of his role - but now despairs at the state of the nation.

He said: "You must believe me when I say this: our immigration controls are broken and the country cannot cope."

"Britain has a proud tradition of helping the oppressed, which is why I am pleased to have spent the past two decades reviewing the cases of people seeking a place of safety.”

"In my time, I have seen a number of moving and entirely deserving cases, victims of torture meted out by oppressive regimes, for example."

"My rulings have helped them stay here to build new lives."

"Such people still need our support today, but to describe them as a minority of those who appear before me is a tragic understatement because the truth is that the great majority of the claimants at my tribunals are not attempting to escape persecution at all.”

He said these people were merely economic migrants and added:

“Often, the stories they tell me are palpably false and in some cases absurd, and I have no hesitation turning them down."

"Yet – and this is the truly frustrating part – only a tiny proportion, between five and ten per cent of the people I recommend for removal, are ever taken from these shores."

Government figures released last week show thousands of false and retrospective asylum claims are clogging up the system.

Last week it was revealed a Romanian murderer could be in line for a £500,000 pay-out after a judge ruled his detention at an immigration centre was unlawful.

Claimant X was held at Dover Immigration Removal Centre between March and July 2015 after it was revealed he was jailed for a decade for murder.

The High Court has now deemed his detention unlawful, paving the way for £500,000 compensation claim.

Some of these claims are lodged years after the migrant first arrived, when they are found by authorities.

Germany is already facing huge backlash over Angela Merkel's immigration policy - which allowed more than 1.3m asylum seekers into the country last year.

Far right groups have marched through the country on multiple occasions, as well as left-wing voters who welcome the migrants.

Terror attacks have shocked the nation, including an axe attack on a train and a suicide bomber at a festival in Ansbach.

Last week it was revealed a Romanian murderer could be in line for a £500,000 pay-out after a judge ruled his detention at an immigration centre was unlawful.

Claimant X was held at Dover Immigration Removal Centre between March and July 2015 after it was revealed he was jailed for a decade for murder.

The High Court has now deemed his detention unlawful, paving the way for £500,000 compensation claim.

Speaking without the permission of his employers the judge said the Government simply will not admit the truth - the problem is huge - and they are not spending enough money on enforcing the law.

The experienced judge said politicians need to "grow up" and stop being scared of being perceived as racist.

More than 200,000 people claimed asylum in this country in the decade up to 2014, and another 40,000 last year.

In his opinion, the judge believes the answer to the immigration explosion is a fairer distribution of resources worldwide.

He also said the Borders Agency need adequate resources and "real political backing".

*** Based on Mail On Sunday



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