Property buyers went through with sales in July irrespective of any uncertainty in the UK housing market following the Brexit vote, figures suggest.
Yet the market is not moving at a pace seen a year ago, with 16,000 fewer homes sold in July compared with the same month in 2015.
A total of 104,200 properties were sold in July, the first full month since the UK’s vote to leave the EU.
Various commentators have predicted a short-term slowdown in the market.
One commentator, Henry Pryor, said that the transaction figures from HM Revenue and Customs reflected a “slight stutter” in the UK sector.
“The market has not yet suffered the predictions made as part of Project Fear, but there is still plenty of time for them to come true,” he said, reports the BBC.
“The housing market, like the wider economy, has much to deal with. We are clearly a long way from the promised end to boom and bust.”