GCSE results are out now.
There was a dramatic fall in GCSE results is the largest since the exam replaced O-levels, with the proportion of pupils who gained a C grade or above dropping by an unprecedented 2.1 percentage points – including a sharp decline in the numbers gaining a C or above in English.
The falls are due in large part to new government policies that force 17-year-olds who got a D or lower in English or maths last year to resit those exams, meaning more students overall were sitting the tests.
But even among pupils sitting their exams in year 11, the conventional GCSE year, the proportion gaining A*-C grades was down by 1.3 percentage points.
The national figures showed a big increase in those aged 17 or over taking the exams, driven by the government policy in England of requiring retakes.
Only around one in four of those retaking the two core subjects gained a C or above, which experts said called into question the wisdom of the policy.