Swapping a proper breakfast for coffee
It can be tempting to rush out the door without breakfast, relying instead on caffeine to wake you up. But if you do, you’re setting yourself up for a much harder day.
“If you skip breakfast your body will release more adrenaline to keep you going and your blood-sugar levels will drop,” says Rick Hay, nutritionist and author of The Anti Ageing Food & Fitness Plan.”
“This is bad news if you’re trying to lose weight and will leave you more likely to have cravings throughout the day. Relying on a coffee will pick you up for a while, but may cause you to be more stressed and tired later in the day as its effects wear off.”
“Again, this will leave you prone to mood swings and cravings for sugar.”
Not opening the curtains
If you get ready with your curtains shut and then head straight to work, it can be lunchtime before you see the light of day, especially in winter.
But a US study found that people who get most of their natural light exposure after noon had higher BMIs than people who got some sunshine in the morning.
“Exposure to 30 minutes of natural light in the morning helps set your internal clock and regulates energy levels, appetite and metabolism,” says sleep physiologist Dr Guy Meadows.”
“Open the blinds and let the sun shine in while you get ready for work, and if you have time, have breakfast either outside or sat by a window.”
Starting the day with the same exercise routine
Of course it’s better than skipping exercise altogether, but that regular morning run or gym session might not be getting the best out of your body.
“Our bodies are very efficient,” says personal trainer Jacqui Jackson. “If you only do the same exercises again and again, your body will adapt and not use any more energy or muscles than it absolutely needs to.”
Mixing things up will challenge different muscles and use more energy. Plus, research shows that variety will make you more likely to stick with it.
Jacqui adds: “You don’t need a completely different routine every day. Instead, make small changes to either the exercise type, the intensity or the number of sets/repetitions.”
Skipping the sunscreen
As annoying as it is to have to apply another product in the mornings, unfortunately, the SPFs in moisturisers and make-up just aren’t up to the job.
“Typically, the protection in make-up is not high enough to minimise sun damage and ageing of the skin because it doesn’t provide protection against both UVA and UVB rays,” says Dr Martin Wade, dermatologist at The London Skin and Hair Clinic.
“You should use SPF 50+ sun protection on the face and neck every day of the year, even in winter.”
“Women should apply it before make-up, and if you choose a product specifically designed for daily use on the face, that will do the job of your moisturiser too.”
Having carbs for brekkie
“If you start the day with white toast, breakfast biscuits or a sugary cereal, you are more likely to feel hungry quicker than if you had a protein-based breakfast, such as eggs, a smoothie with nuts and seeds, or a slow-release complex carbohydrate option like porridge,” says Rick Hay.
That’s because these “simple carb” options cause blood-sugar spikes, which result in a short burst of energy followed by a slump.
“And it’s during these slumps that you crave sugar,” adds Rick.
“Your body gets trapped in a cycle of cravings as the more sweet foods and simple carbs you consume, the more you want to eat.”
Brushing your teeth straight after breakfast
Growing up, we were taught that cleaning our teeth after breakfast and our evening meal was essential to keep them healthy.
But thinking has changed. “Brush before breakfast,” says Dr Matthew Lloyd from WhiteWash Laboratories.
“Some people find this bizarre but if you’ve consumed anything acidic, such as fruit juice, coffee or yoghurt, brushing your teeth afterwards can damage your tooth enamel.”
For best results, use the floss-wash-brush method before breakfast.
“Flossing will remove any hidden plaque, then use mouthwash, before finally brushing your teeth,” adds Dr Lloyd. “And don’t rinse your mouth with water. Leave excess toothpaste to sink into your teeth instead.”
Checking your phone as soon as you wake up
Waking up and immediately checking emails or social media on our smartphones has become a habit. But optometrist Sarah Farrant, from Earlam and Christopher Optometrists in Taunton, Somerset, says this is bad news.
“Looking at a phone screen dries out your eyes but in the mornings it’s worse because you don’t produce the same turnover of tears while you sleep.”
“These tears are needed to flush out the eyes so when you first wake up there isn’t as much moisture in them and they’ll be left feeling uncomfortable for much of the day.”
“Concentrating on our phone screens can mean that we don’t blink as often as we should, sometimes falling from eight blinks a minute to just two or three.”
“This means our tears evaporate too quickly and we get red and dry eyes.”
Sarah recommends the use of hydrating, preservative-free eye drops to soothe tired, dry peepers first thing.
Getting up early for the gym before work
“If you’re serious about getting fitter, then getting a good night’s sleep needs to be an essential part of your training programme,” says Dr Meadows, who has set up Benson for Beds’ Sleep School’s online advice initiative.
“Sleep is a time when your muscles grow so sacrificing it negates the effect of going to the gym.”
“Our research found that when athletes extended their sleeping duration from seven hours per night to nine hours over a seven-day period, it resulted in significant improvements in their physical performance, including strength, reaction time and pain tolerance.”